Sunday, July 26, 2009

God is Bigger than your fear (sermon notes)

Psalm 46

My pastor, Brent Sorlien said...The way I respond in a crisis reveals what I really believe about God!
Is God more than just your "fire insurance." (just enough to avoid hell)

3 questions inspired of Psalm 46...
1. How big is God?
2. Who is in charge of this crazy world?
3. What can I do in crisis?

"There are no athiests in foxholes," wrote william T. Cummings in 1942. "While crouched in a trench with bullets zinging overhead, even the most reluctant heart begins to bargain with God - just in case He might exist...
God if you only get me out of this alive, I'll...
But foxhole faith rarely lasts. The crisis passes and thoughts of God recede into the background. To the 'foxhole Christian' God is there mostly for emergencies."
He wants more than that from us!

Psalm 139:7-10 & 24:1-2 & 34:4 & 23:4
5x in Psalm 46 the word: "earth" appears (2,6,8,9,10)

We live in a world where God has the last word!
"Be still and Know that I am God; I will be exalted..."
Corrie Ten Boom: Don't wrestle, Just nestle...
No more hurrying, worrying, scurring...Child-like faith...
Don't press the panic button...

Pastor Andrew Murray:
1. I am here by God's appointment; in that fact I will rest.
2. He will keep me here in His love and give me grace to behave as His child.
3. He will teach me the lessons He intends me to learn.
4. In His good time He can bring me out again.

3 important things about shadows:
1. Shadows are always bigger than reality.
2. Shadows cannot hurt you.
3. There is no shadow without a light somewhere.
When we know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, death is only a shadow...

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